Hack’s Hydrographics is located in Huntingburg, IN. Huntingburg is a historic town with beautiful historic architect and whose population is approximately 6000 people. Hack’s Hydrographics is owned and operated by Gary and Amy Hoffman and family. Gary and Amy have lived in Dubois County their entire lives and have been married for 30 years. They have three children, Allison, Isaac and Levi who are eager to be involved in all aspects of the hydrographic business.
Being from a small community our family loves to hunt, fish, and hike, go camping and spend time outdoors. We love spending time together whether we are outside to playing games to cooking dinners together.
We are very excited to be taking ownership of the former Duckville Imaging owned by Gary’s cousin Ron Hoffman and we look forward to providing all of our customers with the same quality craftsmanship and precision detail for all your hydrographic needs.