Break Up Country


Manufacturer: Mossy Oak
Availability:in stock 99999 item(s)
Product Code:Duckblind

Product Dimensions and Weight

Product Length: 0.0001IN
Product Width: 0.0001IN
Product Weight: 0.0010OZ

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Duck Blind features elements from every sector of the nation’s main waterfowl highway. Whether you’re hunting in standing reeds or on a bare, harvested hillside, Duck Blind is the most effective camouflage for waterfowlers in any region. Built on a base background of true dirt colors with different tones to represent wet and dry ground.

Elements of millet, wild oats, corn stalks, phragmites, Johnson grass, soybeans and native grasses. Unique shadows to enhance depth and create a 3-D effect. Muted shades of brown, tan, gray and soft black for blending into harvested fields, marshes and wetland environments.

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